Actually, I might just leave the blog here and stop caring about it. Getting rid of it might be too bad, although I'm not sure how long the blogger folks keep it running if there's no updates.
(On second thoughts, they probably take really long to cancel, if indeed they ever do it; I just recalled that a my first blog -- started in 2003 I think -- is still kicking around out there (when the whole blogger thing underwent some sort of change a few years back that old blog didn't get associated with my profile and I can't access it, but it's still there, floating around in the blogosphere -- handy term for once).
Anyway, who writes blogs these days since all people ever do anymore is post a lot of BS about themselves on facebook and such? Blogging -- the epitome of communication inflation gone wild -- remember the situation five years back? -- is no longer sufficiently in and plus it's too time-consuming and too complicated. Just go on facebook or wherever you can do stuff with one click and not have to worry about saving and publishing things, let alone about using the correct grammar or writing full-fledged sentences beginning with capitals and ending with periods (fullstops for the Brits). Meh.
Actually, I might just leave the blog here and stop caring about it. Getting rid of it might be too bad, although I'm not sure how long the blogger folks keep it running if there's no updates.
(On second thoughts, they probably take really long to cancel, if indeed they ever do it; I just recalled that a my first blog -- started in 2003 I think -- is still kicking around out there (when the whole blogger thing underwent some sort of change a few years back that old blog didn't get associated with my profile and I can't access it, but it's still there, floating around in the blogosphere -- handy term for once).
Anyway, who writes blogs these days since all people ever do anymore is post a lot of BS about themselves on facebook and such? Blogging -- the epitome of communication inflation gone wild -- remember the situation five years back? -- is no longer sufficiently in and plus it's too time-consuming and too complicated. Just go on facebook or wherever you can do stuff with one click and not have to worry about saving and publishing things, let alone about using the correct grammar or writing full-fledged sentences beginning with capitals and ending with periods (fullstops for the Brits). Meh.
Ale potom sa nestazuj, ze nemas kontakt pripadne info o ludoch... Lebo je vela takych, co si radi pozru precitaju, aj ked sa mozno nevyjadria a ty ani nezistis... By si sa divil :P
Maybe.. maybe not..
kontakt, info.. i know exactly how many people read this. and i mean exactly, tak z devadesati procent to jsem ja, coz neni pravda moc povzbudive.. whatever...
:) but i do believe that blogs have their own magic to them...facebook is cool and it is true that it's easy to follow what's going on in people's lives...but, not everyone gets to read my blog - and those who do so - i value them! they also have my facebook, but they still choose to read through whatever BS i have to say :D and the COMMENT!!! which is the most beautiful thing about it :)) so, do keep posting whatever you want here. even if it's BS...since, for me anyway, i read people's blogs because of the people themselves and not because of the quality/level of intelligence/kind of humor of the posts.. :)
well, thanks; thing is, it's all just broadcasting stuff (i'm not even going to call it information) out into the void. so, all in all, who cares...
So what if it's broadcsting... And F-book is what? just a much poorer version of that ;) And as Gaby said, blogs are much more about the people not just crap in status updates...
And by reading them you show you care (at least I see it that way) Don't mean though that who reads MY blog equals those who care about ME... But whose blog I read and check even if they haven't posted anything for months are those important ones... And it's sad if they stop caring about the people who care about them...
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